My young friend,
It’s been way to long since we’ve seen you and your family! But I am still
praying for you. You are not forgotten. And neither is the fact that the summer
is about to be upon us!!!
Ah yes … freedom! Free time! Late nights and late mornings!
Swimming! Oh yeah … and complaining about being bored!
Your life is WAY different than mine so I can only imagine
how you feel about your summers. I went to a public school where parents had
free babysitting for most of the year but where they released us back into our parents
trembling arms for 3 nerve-racking months. As I got older I was able to fill
that time with serving at camp and learning while I had adventures on SBC
trips, but even with all that diversion I remember complaining about being
bored. I wanted something to do.
I think that impulse was a good one. We are not meant to be
sitting around doing nothing. And contrary to the collective belief of modern
teenagers we are not meant to be playing and getting entertained all day every
day. God meant us to be productive people.
I don’t know what your summers look like. I don’t know how
much free time you actually have but my guess is that you probably have more
than you do during the rest of the year.
The childish response to this additional free time would be to
use it frivolously and to wait passively for your parents to tell you what you
need to do to fill that time. Never forget that Adam’s blood courses through
your covenantal veins and that means, among other things, that you will have a